Welcome to ...
Last Chance Ministries!

"The scientist has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer
the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by
a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." (Dr.
Robert Jastrow, internationally known astronomer)
From an
article entitled, "Have Astronomers Found God?" p. 53, July 1980
issue of Reader’s Digest. Condensed from the June 25, 1978 issue of
the New York Times Magazine.

"About the time of the End, a body of men
will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and
insist on their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and
Sir Isaac Newton (A.D.
Short Cuts to help you Get Started

LCM's Purpose
LCM's multifaceted purpose is enumerated as follows:
Promoting biblical
understanding of Jesus Christ --
The Living Word (John 1:14)
Sharing the good news
of what Jesus Christ has done and is doing for people (The Gospel)
Making 'God's Simple Plan of
Salvation, available in many languages so that all who want may hear, understand, believe,
and receive the most valuable gift ever
Promoting truth taught
in the Word of God (Jesus
in Spirit and life, John 6:63)
Promoting Biblical truth concerning:
Religious ideas and
teachings that run contrary to literal Biblical teaching
Significant contemporary
developments and topics
Events and
characteristics predicted in the Bible concerning the Last Days
We seek to help the local economy on the field
where we work by promoting
the natural wander and beauty of Carriacou to hopefully increase tourism.
We also seek to keep our
friends updated on our missionary work of Windward Bible Church.
Our main thrust is to promote the teachings of the Christian Bible and its
Author and
central Character, Jesus Christ.
Missions Statement:
fulfill the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ:
ye therefore, and teach
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with
you alway, even
unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20)
It is our belief that simply teaching the Word of
God to prepared, open, and obedient hearts will result in the spiritual
rebirth that is necessary to enter heaven. (John 3:3) We also believe that the
Lord Jesus has commanded believers to reproduce, in the hearts of others, the
saving grace that has been made available only through faith in the person of
Jesus Christ and His finished work. Thus, it is also our goal to engage in the
ministry of helping disciples of Jesus Christ to become “...
fishers of men” (Matthew 4:9) through the ministry of prayer and
teaching the word of God. (Acts 6:4)
Robinson II
About Our Name
‘Last Chance
Ministries’ is so named because we provide a multifold
service (i.e., various ‘ministries’)
to the public.
From time to time people have shared to say that
‘Last Chance’ sounds
negative and ‘doom and gloom.’
I suppose it could sound that way to some, depending on their perspective.
Perhaps it is like viewing a glass of water half full or half empty.
However, I suspect that most people would rather take advantage
of any last chance they can get. Real ‘doom and gloom’
is when one is in trouble and ‘no
chance’ for help or escape remains.
Thus, I prefer to think of ‘Last Chance’
as positive and promoting hope.
It is my belief that each day the world comes
closer to events that will ultimately culminate in the return of
Jesus Christ to earth. If this occurs in our lifetime, then each day could be a
visitor’s last chance to learn about Jesus’ finished work and his marvelous gift
that He has made available to any with a hungry and open heart.
I believe the Christian Bible is true and
accurate about the past and future. Thus, I also I believe that what a
person does today in response to Jesus and all He has done and said could be the most
important opportunity (or chance) a person will ever have.
He that rejecteth me, and
receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken,
the same shall judge him in the last day. (Matthew 12:48)
to LCM
Who Are

(Walter T. Robinson II is the
and webmaster of Last Chance Ministries)
The Robinson family (Walter, Linda, and Jeshua) are
American missionaries that are currently involved with making disciples
through the ministry of
Bible Church (WBC). The website about WBC can be found here on LCM under
its own domain at:
This local church is located
on the small island of Carriacou, a possession of the country of Grenada
which is located in the southern Caribbean. Windward Bible Church was begun
in 1992. (You may see photos of our family on the Family and
WBC pages.)
LCM first established a web presence in 1996. The
goal is to use the World Wide Web (WWW) to keep our friends, prayer partners, and
supporters better informed about the church establishing work of
Bible Church. It is also to utilize the WWW to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and
the truth of the Word of God.
LCM's Website
NOTE: I am
continually expanding and updating all areas of this website with new pages and additional
articles. Some pages may currently have only an introductory statement but no additional
information. Usually sections that are still under development will be designated as such.
If you keep checking back I am sure that you will find what you are looking for in due
time. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Other sections are up and fully operational. Please
contact me by e·mail if you have any comments or questions, or if you encounter any
problems browsing this site. This is the first time I have built anything more than a one
page website. I welcome any 'constructive' suggestions or criticism. Positive comments are
also welcome!
Lastly, I initially began to build LCM's site by
incorporating the use of frames. I later decided not to do so when I discovered that some
web surfers may be hindered in accessing or navigating the site because their browser does
not support frames. This site uses a simple shared top border with a navigation bar in
order to keep it as simple and accessible as possible.
In 2006, I have
taken significant steps to improve the ministry capabilities and
dependability of LCM. I have moved my primary website and domains to a much
more economical hosting service, GoDaddy of Scottsdale, Arizona. I have also
implemented Google's Adsense.
Click here to
learn more about the status of LCM.
Walter Robinson II

How to navigate LCM's Website
Reading this will likely save
you a lot of
time in looking for material on the LCM Website
Navigating through
LCM should be fairly simple. The most popular links are presented in the
left border where they are readily accessible from all of the pages. You
may also click any of the links in the heading or those embedded on any
pages throughout the site. Embedded textual links are usually designated as such by their color and being underlined.
You may
also use the Site Map link at the top of each page
to quickly see what pages are available to view. Click our LCM WORLD BANNER at the top of each page to return to the
home page. Lastly, if there is something specific you are looking for, you
may search for words or phrases on all of LCM's pages by using
LCM's internal search utility or the
Atomz Search or
Google utilities on
LCM's Search page.
Now, with all the above as clear as mud, the surfs up and the
water is crystal clear and warm! So dive in! I hope you 'knock yourself out' surfing and
having a good time.
Walter Robinson II

Highlighted On LCM
www.Carriacou.info has been
registered and now points to a special section of LCM.
Click here to read more.
Heralds and updates for 2004 have been posted. This includes our most
recent prayer letter of
December 17,
2004, which includes a few photos. It also includes our journal of
surviving a couple of tropical storms and Hurricane Ivan that caused much
death and destruction on the mainland of Grenada and also caused
considerable damage on Carriacou.
weeks after Hurricane Ivan, the lovely island of Carriacou is ready to
accommodate tourist once again. Includes updates, photos, and interviews
with Grenada government officials. There is even an audio interview with
Foreign Affairs Minister, Elvin Nimrod, in MP3 format that can be listened
to or downloaded. He assures all that Carriacou is ready to receive visitors
and provide a wonderful and memorable experience.
Hurricane Ivan relief funds set up
to help the mainland of Grenada as well as Carriacou and Petit Martinique
Hurricane Ivan devastates the country of
Grenada and reeks much damage on Carriacou and Petit Martinique.
This special section supplies pertinent information and photos, and stories
about the effects of the storm upon this beautiful but hurting country.
Free audio
messages in MP3 format
has been set up in our
Spiritual Downloads section. Messages are now being added on a regular
basis. Many are those recorded live in services at Windward
Bible Church. Others will be those given and recorded somewhere else or
created for specific purposes. Messages are by the pastor of Windward Bible
Church and webmaster
of LCM, Walter Robinson II, and hopefully others as well. Keep checking back, or
click here to ask to be notified, when we add more messages in the days
Prayer Letters has been updated with our
most recent Robinsons' Herald. (As of December 2003)
We have also update our page that states our current
praises and prayer requests. (As of December 1, 2003).
We recently updated our family page with more photos and commentary.
Click here to view it.
If you have come to LCM looking for something specific, and you do not
know exactly where to find it, you may begin by searching our website using
the three search tools we have available.
Click here to search LCM.
I have finally begun to develop the section on
Software Recommendations. I am featuring software to help people combat
spam, hackers, pop-ups, etc. If you are having trouble with any of the
above, and you do not know what to do, this section is a must read for you.
I have recently reorganized and updated our section on
ETs and UFOs. If you are looking for that sort of
material, check it out.
I have setup a section entitled,
Cultural and other
Caribbean Interests. It presents the first of several planned articles
on various cultural aspects of life in the Caribbean. The first is an
article about West Indian 'English.' I have posted a nicely written
article by Alister Hughes, accomplished author and native of Grenada. The
article is entitled,
'Learning The
July 2002, we were privileged to have a team of 12
teenagers and four adult sponsors to work with us here on Carriacou. We have
provided an extensive photo record of their visit. Check it out by clicking
on Team From Cross Lanes, West
Virginia Comes to Carriacou.
A study of the
Weeks of Daniel 9 (Part 1
and Part 2) is now posted here on
LCM. See for yourself how this remarkable prophecy was filled down to
the very day when the Lord Jesus was crucified according to the scriptures.
PDF versions are also available for free downloads!
Movies (Virtual Reality Movies) in our Virtual
Tour of Carriacou section which has been expanded. You can almost smell
the salt air and feel the warm breezes! Two more
views have been added and one updated as of October of 2004.
Search the Bible, LCM, or
the World Wide Web includes new search engines that will enable visitors to search the
Bible, LCM, or the WWW right from within LCM! There are also a number of excellent search
engines provided to search the web from outside LCM.
The dangers of regularly receiving and forwarding mass emailings:
Do you like receiving and sending forwarded e·mail? Do you send such to
people without asking them first? Do you place multiple e·mail address in
the 'To' or 'Cc' boxes? If you answered yes to any of these
questions you need to read this.
Religious poll about UFOs and ETs (extraterrestrials):
What do you believe about this strange topic? Take the Poll and help us
build a database to consider the spiritual perspective of the
phenomenon. This poll is for believers and nonbelievers from all walks
of life. All personal information from each participant will be kept
absolutely confidential.
A Biblical Look At Promise Keepers (PK):
Is PK a Biblical Christian group? What is their Biblical premise on
salvation and works? With what groups do they cooperate?
Support as
Missionaries shares more information on how the Robinsons are supported in their work
on Carriacou, Grenada, in the Southern Caribbean. It also states their current support
level as a percentage in comparison to their set support level.
What is Rastafarianism?
How did Rastafarianism began? To what passage in the Bible do they refer
to provide a basis for their beliefs? What are their claims
about the Messiah. Almost half of the visitors that come to LCM come
because of this article.
I suggest that you periodically check the New on LCM link for recently added or updated pages.
You may click here to go to a page that
describes each of LCM's section in depth.
Our policy on
privacy is very simple. All who choose to correspond with us in any way will never
have any of their information made available to any one else under no
Those who respond to polls will have only the information presented in the published
results, but the participants' names and e·mail addresses will be kept completely

Visitors have viewed this page since
April 1, 2004
(NOTE: All preexisting page counters were
reset to
zero when my server crashed in March of 2004.
It took until April 1, 2004 to get them working again.)
if you do not see links to other pages on this page ...
Sometimes the FrontPage Server Extensions get corrupted on
my servers. If this happens, then my pages will not show any navigational links
in the top and left shared borders.
If you find yourself on a page with no links in those areas, please go to my
alternative site. If the URL address in your address bar shows
www.lastchanceministries.com then go to my mirror
www.lastchanceministries.org, and vise
Lastly, please take a few seconds to notify the webmaster with a quick note to
let him know so that he can get this repaired as soon as possible.
Click here to send him a note. The subject line is
already written for you. All I need is for you to tell me which domain (.com or
.org) is malfunctioning. Thanks.
Copyright © 2000 Last Chance Ministries. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 13, 2006.