How to get to
Carriacou, Grenada
There are two way for
visitors to get to the beautiful island of Carriacou once they arrive on the Grenada
mainland. To see what airlines fly to and from Grenada please check our our Tourist Information page.
By commuter plane to Lauriston
International Airport
(Takes about twenty minutes)
(Click on
Thumbnail for larger photo, then click the back or previous button on your
browser to return to this page) |
International Airport (Southwestern side of Carriacou) |
Islander nine passenger
plane (One sits in copilot seat) |
Road from the airport
leading to Hillsborough (About 1 mile) |
By the
Osprey Sea Ferry to the main jetty in Hillsborough
(Takes about ninety minutes, but costs about half the
fare of traveling by air)
High speed shuttle that seats about 100 passengers (About 35 miles & 75 minutes) |
and bags are off-loaded at the main jetty in Hillsborough |
The 'Osprey' ferries passengers between Grenada and Carriacou 2 or 3
times a day |
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Copyright © 2000 Last Chance Ministries. All rights reserved.
Revised: May 02, 2006.